Tagget med 2021

2 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

966 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

3 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

1.012 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

4 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

933 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

5 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

875 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

6 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

819 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

1 of 2 Quantitative Methods: Boxplot - Part 1

778 views 7. mai 2021

The videos are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

2 of 2 Quantitative Methods: Bocplot - Part 2

84 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu, and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

Quantitative Methods: Cross-sectional

1.096 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu, and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

Cross-sectional Study

1.282 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

Quantitative Methods: Types of articles

1.263 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

Bærekraftig koronaliv. Webinar 20. april 2021

308 views 7. mai 2021

Hvordan har korona endret forbruket vårt? Har korona påvirket hverdagen vår i en mer klimavennlig retning? Nye undersøkelser fra Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO kan vise litt om hvordan forbruket vårt har vært i året som har gått. Vi har spurt folk om korona kan være bra for miljøet fordi vi reiser mindre og kjøper mindre. Vi har også...

Er fokusgrupper nødvendig?

109 views 22. april 2021

Høgskolelektor Kari G. Vikestad forteller om sine erfaring ved bruk av POS'er i undervisningen.