EO - Ergoterapi- og ortopediingeniørfag

Peter F. Hjort - Kommunikasjon

936 views 29. september 2015

Publisert 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Kronisk syk

914 views 29. september 2015

Publisert 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Pårørende

683 views 29. september 2015

Publisert 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Uheldige hendelser

548 views 29. september 2015

Publisert 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Origins of Public Health

863 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Evidence-based public health and health care - myth or reality

699 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Population Health 1945 - 1990

673 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Population Health 1990 - 2010

684 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Public Health 1945-1990

622 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Population Health 2010 - 2030

676 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Public Health 1990-2010

779 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Public Health 2010-2030

783 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.