Tagget med influensa
The hunt for the virus causing the 1918 influenza pandemic
The hunt for the virus causing the 1918 influenza pandemic and how it has informed science and preparedness for future pandemics. Jeffrey Taubenberger (NIAID) and John Oxford (QMUL) speaks at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters as guests of Svenn-Erik Mamelund’s CAS project.
Mental Health and Pandemics
What can we learn from the history of pandemics and the Covid-19 situation? Listen to a selection of pandemic studies at OsloMet. Meet our researchers from the Centre for Research on Pandemics Society (PANSOC) at Oslo Metropolitan University. They will focus on what we can learn from historic pandemics and the situation during Covid-19. This...
Publisert 2019 Spanskesyken tok livet av minst 50 millioner globalt og 15 000 i Norge. Svenn-Erik Mamelund (AFI) forsker på Spanskesyken og snakker i dette foredraget om hvilke grupper som ble hardest rammet, hvilke sosiale konsekvenser sykdommen fikk, og ikke minst: hvordan taklet de overlevende og etterlatte sine liv etter denne katastrofen.