Tagget med libraries

Are libraries for everyone?

339 views 18. februar 2022

Do queer people feel safe and included in the public libraries? Results from a unique survey about LGBTQIA+ patrons' attitudes towards, and experiences with, public libraries in Norway. Join us for a conversation with former student at OsloMet, Kira Del Mar, and OsloMet’s librarian Karina Thorsen Wright. As part of her bachelor thesis...

Better together: building a new support site for bachelor's students in nursing

392 views 26. mai 2020

Presentation of the article by Karen Marie Øvern and Astrid Kilvik, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 1 (2020). Read online: Better together: building a new support site for bachelor's students in nursing

The Public Sphere and Public Libraries

234 views 23. august 2019

Published 2019 Assistant Professor at iSchool, University of Tsukuba in Japan, Masanori "Masa" Koizumi, talks about the public sphere and public libraries.