Tagget med publisering

FilMet - OsloMets åpne videoarkiv

2.681 views 13. februar 2020

Hva er FilMet, hvordan fungerer det og hvordan kan ansatte ved OsloMet publisere videoer der?

3 of 3 Ifla 2020 - March 6st - Day two

209 views 16. april 2020

Published 2020 Information from IFLA Special Interest Group On Library Publishing - Ann Okerson, IFLA Professional Committee and SIG Library Publishing Library Publishing: Collaboration and Networks Introductions - Gry Moxness, Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway) Nordic User and Development Network for Edx – Activity-based Learning...

2 of 3 Ifla 2020 March 5th - Day one - After lunch

262 views 16. april 2020

Published 2020 Library Publishing Programs: Case Studies Small but Mighty: How a Team of Four Administers a Robust Library Publishing Program - Sue Anne Gardner - University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) Heading for the Open Science – experience of LUT Publishing House - Katarzyna Weinper - Publishing House of Lublin University of Technology...

1 of 3 Ifla 2020 March 5th - Day one - Before lunch

281 views 16. april 2020

Published 2020 Connecting and Empowering Library Publishers: An International Knowledge Exchange. Opening - Lars Egeland. Welcome - Ann Okerson, IFLA Professional Committee and SIG Library Publishing Library Publishing Platforms Drupal as a Library Publishing Platform 
- Allyson Laird - Penn State University Libraries (USA) Vega: Starting...


540 views 10. desember 2019

Publisert 2019 Seksjon for dokumentasjons- og informasjonsforvaltning (SDI) forklarer hvordan du publiserer møtedokumentene for offentligheten. Innledning - hvilke dokumenter publiseres på OpenGov Hvordan publisere møtedokumenter Hvor finner jeg publiserte møtedokumenter