Sifo - Forbruksforskningsinstituttet

What characterizes a sustainable food system?

175 views 29. august 2023

SIFO is part of the international project FOOdIVERSE, which aims to strengthen the consumption of local and organic food. The film showcases work at Hadeland Andelslandbruk (Community Supported Agriculture), which is a living lab within the project. Living labs ensure participation, meaning that those at the center of what we are researching are...

Why is it so hard to reduce plastic?

99 views 20. juli 2023

The REDUCE project looks at plastic in a systems perspective and investigates how the consumption of plastic products in everyday life can be reduced. In this film project members are gathered at a workshop discussing preliminary results. REDUCE is financed by Research Council of Norway.

REDUCE – rethinking everyday plastics

2.686 views 7. desember 2022

The REDUCE project will look at plastic in a systems perspective and investigate how the consumption of plastic products in everyday life can be reduced. The project will focus on three consumption areas where a lot of plastic is used: hygiene products, leisure products and products related to childhood, such as toys. In this film project...

SAMSVAR: Barn og unges digitale hverdag

591 views 8. januar 2021

Publisert 2019 Digitale verktøy tar oss rett inn i den kommersielle delen av nettet. I dette SAMSVAR - seminaret spør vi: - Hvordan lærer vi barna våre å forholde seg til det overstrømmende presset fra markedsaktørene. Og hvilken rolle har skolen i å lære barna digital kompetanse? Ingvild Straume fra SK, introduserer seminaret Dag Slettemeås,...